I discovered litRPG as a guilty pleasure about 2 years ago- it makes for some great escape reading. I’ve read most of the ‘classic’ series in the genre by now, and as we all know there’s a lot of less great stuff floating around. I’ve been sad that after reading through some of the big names, I didn’t find much else that kept my interest. Either they were just too poorly written, or too harem-y, or the protag was unlikable and smug, or whatever. I was basically losing interest in the genre, until I discovered this series.

Oh, man. Finally, well written characters that interact with each other in more or less believable ways, clever writing, funny, exciting….everything I wanted from litRPG. Now, this series doesn’t necessarily do anything new, and you have a lot of the tropes of the series (unique class, etc), but that’s fine- it does everything extremely well. It’s definitely crunchy enough to satisfy stats geeks (and honestly if you don’t like stats going up and down why are you reading litRPG?) but doesn’t just dwell on the character sheets of the people in the world.

Really, just a wonderful series, and I feel like it keeps getting better. Some of the things that happened in this last book gave me chills, and I don’t remember being moved like that by a book in a long time. One other great thing, I think the author has a FAQ about the series and their plans moving forward that you can read before you buy the book, which is think is a pretty classy move.

This isn’t just a great litRPG series. It’s a great series period. I can’t wait for the next.