First I listen to it and from the beginning to end I could not stop listening the narrator brought each and ever character aliv The fighting, slavery, ocean and sea battles, to murder you read a story of countries being bribed to be able to sail and you visit a plantation old Philadelphia and read families being slaughter, sold and mistreated not only in the US but in the Arab world when Sultan rules the area and the seas around them. This is a story of a boy who family was from Ireland and traded on the seas and the ships they owned was either destroyed or taken for the Sultans friends and the family sold into slavery. What like I liked best you watch the lad grow into manhood and the meeting of his friends by flashback of each of the characters and how they differ from each other but as one they were family and fight for each other even though they may disagree and how they try to work with John to try accept what happen to his family and try to accept it was not his fault a forever loosening battle. If you like pirates sea battles and damsels in stress you love thus as an audible