if you’re reading this and are curious, stop right now and go get JS Morin’s Galaxy Outlaws Black Ocean 16.5 books for 1 measley little credit! that is, if you haven’t listened to that yet! that sets the stage for this spin-off of Morin’s original epic magic-scifi masterpiece! if you love sci-fi and especially if you love magic, honestly intertwined in a way I never thought of before hearing this series, you will likely agree its the best credit you’ll ever spend! over 80 hours for 1 credit?! over 16 epic books (kind of like long chapters as part of the overall storyline)…Morin’s imagination is one of the best I’ve ever heard. 1 caveat…there is quite a bit of language (not kid friendly…though he has an earlier series thats more so magic mixed with a little sci-fi vs. this series thats mostly sci-fi but a healthy dose of magic). to me I had to dock 1 star for this…as his earlier series before the Black Ocean had barely any language and the story didn’t suffer in any way from the lack of cursing. and ho-boy…despite this spinoff being centered around the do-gooder and former “one church” princess Espyr…wow does this series pour on the language more than even the original Black Ocean Galaxy Outlaws. it detracts for me enough to have to point it out…it may not for you. but the storyline is still stellar and always edge of your seat as to what twist it will take next! oh. and this series is over 90 hours! for 1 credit! if you dig Morin’s stories at all you owe it to yourself to go get his all-in-one packages like this or the Galaxy Outlaws (and there is a 2nd spinoff called Astral Prime, kind of like his version of deepspace 9 that centers around another character from the Galaxy Outlaws books, Cedric the Brown). that one had more potential than this series imho, however I didn’t like the turn it took towards the end of that series…i still rank the original as the best of the 3 but the spinoffs are very good too! there is a little crossover between this series and the other spinoff but not much (mainly the character Espyr…otherwise they’re fairly separate…i dont like too much crossover like the Flash and Green Arrow do…I feel like i have to sink myself into too much investment in both…so thats the good side of not having too much crossover between the 2 spinoffs). hopefully I’ve not spoiled anything bc I hate spoilers! but given a good idea of my drawback for this series and yet still highly recommend it (just not for the kiddos).