Max, Kira, and their friends are high level characters. Over the last three years since the game was created, they have completed most quests and even taken down the hardest challenges that the game has to offer. Then, they receive a strange invitation to meet up to talk about a quest. This is when they find that the game that they love itself is at stake. If they fail this mission, the game dies.

This is a re-recording of the first book of Pixel Dust. This was originally done by Jeff Hayes, but he never recorded any of the sequels. Rather then have an unsettling change in narrators, Travis Baldree stepped in to record all three of the current books. Travis has done an amazing job on this book! He does all of the voices well, both male and female. I am very happy with this new recording of the book, even more so to hear that the next two books have been recorded. I can not recommend this book highly encough!