The negative reviews about the amount of training confuse me. Perhaps they meant to review book 5? Just to be sure, this review is for Book 6 – Transcendence.

In my opinion, books 1 and 2 are still the strongest. Book 5 is the weakest and this book along with 3-4 are in between. Enjoyable and worth picking up. i look forward to Book 7.

ill try to be vague enough not to spoil the story too much but try to be informative about this book… however for safety ill throw out a SPOILER WARNING here.

First 5 hrs – ch 1 to 18 consist of past life memories and new characters introduced and quickly forgotten. There is also some interactions between Tess and Arthur. One big battle and One boss fight with little forward progress on the story and war.

2nd 5 hrs – ch 19 to 39 consist of more past memories then Arthur doing some recon. Followed by recovery, more memories, a party and then another mission. During the mission theres another boss fight. Then more past life memories follow after the fight.

Last 5 hrs – Ch 40 – 55 have meetings, a new invention and heres where the training comes in. That lasts from ch 42 to 53 with a pretty interesting duel at ch 48. Afterwards theres another party followed by a cliffhanger.

Overall, training took up maybe 30%, flashbacks to the previous life was around 20%, Forward progess on the war and story was possibly 10 – 15%, with the rest filled with location descriptions, battles, boss fighting, and character interactions. im sure ive glossed over some things and forgotten others but thats what i got for you.