As this is book 8 in the series, this isn’t for new readers. Go back and read the other 7. It’s worth your time. There’s a gradual build with the humor, adding a bit more each book. As we are now on book 8, there are plenty of opportunities for the older characters to become memes of themselves and for newer characters (or characters that haven’t been given many scenes in other books) to have their moments and for their personalities to come out (particularly the monarchs– i feel like I know Reigan Shen and Malice a bit more now).

As for this one… what can I say? It was great. The main criticism seems to be “it was really long,” and it was. But all of the characters continue to evolve in a way which is true to them, and it seems clear that the author is enjoying these characters. Also, what else are you going to do in 2020?

Would I recommend this book? If you had read the other 7, then definitely. If you have been following this series and haven’t read this book, I would buy it for you so you could read it and we could talk about it. If you haven’t read the series, then go back and read/listen to it and come back when you’re ready.

Also, Travis Baldree’s reading is fantastic. He really understands these characters and is able to bring them to life. I haven’t appreciated until this book how difficult it is to pronounce Seshethkunaaz until now. And he’s been making it sound easy.