This book, is basically a season 1 of a Asian Style Anime show. Believe me, I watched tons as a kid to my young adult life and can say, it’s 5x easier to picture this as a cartoon in my head. Is that bad? No, not at all. It’s a great story, with twists, unlikely outcomes, and ridiculous chances of things happening but that’s what makes it really fun also. The only thing that hurt this for me, was the reader. This dude, was super intense, and over the top. It took me almost to the middle of the book to start to get used to his voice. I did get book 2, and noticed he is MUCH better in the 2nd book so know that it ends. As far as the story goes, you have to be okay with a MC who tricks his way into surviving and is on the greater path to becoming something, and by no means is he anything other than pathetic in this one.. which you will be reminded a few 100x. I enjoyed the heck out of it, and thankfully the performance is better so I can relax more on book 2 and forward.