Move over, Lyn Gala. Eileen Glass has stolen your queer alien romance throne. This is by far the best gay alien romance I’ve ever read. Don’t be fooled by the corny cover or tacky title; this story is hilarious, beautiful, and super engaging. Eileen Glass is a master of writing. We are so lucky that she writes queer romance for us. If you like gay alien romances at all, GIVE THIS BOOK A CHANCE RIGHT NOW! Not a fan of omegaverse? This is still for you. This is sooooo not a typical omegaverse book. Omegaverse stuff does eventually appear in later books, but this one? Get ready for some hilarious subversion & lots of misunderstandings. Our human lead is mistaken for an alien omega, and it’s HILARIOUS and WELL-WRITTEN. Not tacky, not boring, not tropey. ORIGINAL AND FUNNY. And if you’re like me, you’re ok with omegaverse so long as it doesn’t force characters to abandon their personalities to fulfill omegaverse tropes. This book, wow! EVERY CHARACTER HAS A UNIQUE, IDENTIFIABLE PERSONALITY! THE ENTIRE TIME! Our human is snarky and SMART. The book doesn’t just say that and do nothing with it. He isn’t some useless captured human who stands by while the hot aliens solve problems–no. Our human is a freaking engineer, and he actually uses this skill. He solves problems and moves the plot with ACTIVE engagement with the world. It’s so refreshing. 10/10. Thank you, Eileen Glass. Both alien leads–Siel and Pikh–are just as wonderful. Siel is a jaded alien warrior who has a hard balancing his depression and need to protect his loved ones, and Pikh is a naive alien raised in slavery who struggles to understand the world beyond his cage. Naive alien + jaded alien must take care of alien they mistake for an omega (who is confused and snarky). LMAO. It’s fantastic. All three 3 leads have chapters in their POV, and you can distinctly tell each characters’ chapter apart from another’s. This takes SKILL, and it’s SOOOOOOO rare in the romance genre. Seriously, we are so lucky to have this series. Normally, I’m not into mmm, but this book makes it feel natural and wonderful and totally within my comfort zone. It just makes sense, and I enjoyed it the same as I would any m/m book. All three leads just fit, and it’s wonderful. Readers, jump in without fear. I promise you’ll see what I mean! The aliens, gosh. I LOVE THEM. Unique, totally Eileen Glass’s creation. They are definitely alien, not just “blue humanoids” or something similarly uninspired. No, these aliens have tails that actually get used in the story as part of body language. They have spikes on their backs that become critical for understanding their mood. Over the course of this series, I became deeply invested in their world. The worldbuilding in this series is outstanding. Joel Leslie does a great job as usual, although I admit I preferred reading this on my own. Leslie’s performance does not match with the characters as well as I’d like. The voice he uses for Pykh, a young wild slave alien, sounds far too old & British. It would suit a regency novel better than this one, in my opinion. Pykh would do better sounding youthful, rash, and innocent. The delivery of the humor is lackluster, which disappoints me because I laughed SOOO much when reading this on my own. But Joel is popular, so I doubt most people will have the same problems I did. However, if you’re finding the audio is affecting your enjoyment of the humor & distinct characterization, switch to the kindle book. It’s worth reading!!