Kevin Candela has just suddenly appeared on Audible, and has been cranking out some fantastic tales. I really liked his Ether Bunny, and so I just had to see what else he had dreamed up. Havng heard of the Pukwudgie from Spooky Southcoast, and some paranormal books I just could not pass this up.

I want to say that Candela really knows how to write a short tale. I’m putting him up there with some other favorites of mine such as Roma Grey and Essel Pratt. I love them both for being able to tell a great story in a short period of time. Not all brilliant things need 100 plus pages to get to a point. Candela is one of those writers who can convey all the elements of a horror story without excessive plot points. He brings in the creep factor, and develops characters better than most authors do in three hundred pages. This story hits a lot of points that I enjoy including crytozoology, horror, fantasy, and little people. The story really drives its point home without mercy, and you will love it for it. He really crafts a tale out of a relatively unknown cryptid, and has fun dragging you into the swamp.

Bennett brings this tale to murky life, really selling the creepiness, and making you clench your teeth from anticipation. I really enjoy his work. Even though I did receive a promo code for this review it in no way influenced my considerations of the material, and in fact, inspired me to be more honest. In fact, getting a code generally makes me harsher as a reviewer as I am more often concerned what someone like Me will decide based on my review.

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