I was given this free review copy audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this review. This is my first time listening to short stories and I’m pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it. One is 40 mins and the other an hour. Perfect for my commute. The reading was good. The narration sounded like someone speaking into the distance, very wispy. I didn’t mind it as much but it’s not for everyone. It made it a little harder to be immersed in the story. Luckily with the stories so short, that wasn’t a big issue. One thing I found strange was the difference in the narration and protagonist in the first story. Usually the two readings are the same or very similar, hence seeing the world through the main characters eyes. In this story though, the protagonist had an accent and the narration didn’t. It could be for the better since the protagonist is so unlikable. The stories are about a douchebag and a scumbag, no relations. Though the book thinks the second story is darker and grittier, I thought the opposite. I had no investment in the protagonist of the first story. His ending was justified and very unsettling. Best not to think too hard about it. The second story started the same but I found myself rooting for the protagonist. The character development left me feeling warm and fuzzy and redeemed. Admittedly the second ending is grittier than the first but I felt hopeful. I definitely like the second better.