As always, Sound Booth Theater does an amazing job with narration, though the sound effects can be a bit over done and distracting. Overall the storyline is very straight forward, with only minor elements being unexpected. Mostly the MC is annoying with constantly waving away system notices. This is supposed to be a litrpg, but the system itself is very background and washed over. While it is nice that there’s not pages of redundancy, I would have at least liked to have it fleshed out a bit more. My biggest problem with the story is the MC constantly waving away the boss loot and only ever mentioning noticing rarity colors at a glance. We have already seen his incompetence with boss loot by holding valuable items until someone calls him out on it while another character is in dire need of what he looted. What kind of Gamer ignores the boss loot? I have a headcannon theory that Allistor looted a spell scroll, off a boss, that teaches a resurrection spell, and it’s lost in his inventory. So, every subsequent death is his fault for the loss of a valuable contributing member of his society. I did mostly enjoy this romp, more in part of the efforts of the Narration to make the book sound better. The storyline is not bad, but it’s not 5 star quality.