I love these books but this author is so damn dramatic and it frustrates the hell out of me when she starts putting a bunch of crap in between the most interesting and good parts. Im like please get to it, what really matters!!! I Don’t care about all of the crap in between. Its like she has really bad A.D.D or something I do to but shit. And the female narrator is good but she really needs to get her accents down. It is annoying when she doesn’t use the accents with the proper characters and we all now the brittish accents some of them have but the male narrator is perfect when it comes to the accents. I love him. These books would be so much better if she cut out of thenunneeded drama and BS fillers and out more action in these stories. Oh and I hate having to wait on the next book to come out. Its just starting to really get somewhere. UGH!!! Over all I do recommend these books if you can try to over look the extremely annoying and frustrating parts that are mentioned above and in my other comments.