If you’re looking for something that captures the deep existential horror of H.P. Lovecraft’s sories and poems you won’t find it here. The author has however honored old H.P. in a different way. The terrors that lurk in the shadows of dreams have been yanked out into the light and instead of hiding behind the scenes and preying on the few they now prey upon humanity as a whole. The book is one part adventure, one part military sci-fi but really succeeds where it very artfully and respectfully injects Lovecraftian lore into he world giving it a thrilling and ominous feel. It is a slightly campy revenge romp chalk with combat, gunplay and adventure. I enjoyed it through and through. as an aside: If this concept wasn’t spawned from the campaign setting of the author’s tabletop sessions then I think we would all be remis if we didn’t use it in our own. It would make a wonderful campaign world.