His Truth is an angsty contemporary romance about two men who were childhood sweethearts until homophobia broke them apart. Twelve years later they meet again by chance and the attraction and old feelings between them are rekindled.

This book is full of angst, angst, and more angst. Roman, one of the main characters, is firmly in the closet. He’s in such agony over being gay, but can’t suppress his feelings when he’s around Leo. Leo is angry at his parents, angry at how he and Roman broke up, and just plain angry at the world. These men are emotionally constipated and stuck in a rut. They both need therapy. I found their angst very tedious and hard to feel sympathetic towards.

This book’s plot was pretty forgettable and leaned on overused tropes to push a plodding plot along. In other words, this book was just plain boring. It was definitely not for me, although I seem to be in the minority.

The narration for the audiobook was done by Joel Leslie who did a fantastic job. The audiobook production was well done too. I would probably have liked this audiobook if the plot wasn’t so boring.