This book has some issues, mostly in the form of repeated phrases or descriptions, such as what a character tastes like, small technical things like that. There are a few awkwardly phrased bits as no book is perfect. And good Lord, Angel is a flawed human being with so many flipping issues.

I really love him as a character and this book / series in general. Whatever slightly wince worthy moments there are, I thoroughly enjoy listening to this book and series – I have a library of nearly a hundred audiobooks and I’ve gone through this series at least four or five times and the first book an extra time or two on top of that. The characters are (as previously noted) very imperfect examples of people and the way they fit together is rough in a fully wonderful manner.

Yes, the main couple falls in love rapidly on screen but it’s built on two years of a working relationship plus attraction. My personal headcanon is that when there is that soulmate thing going down between vamps and their person, it rapidly attaches them emotionally when things start rolling for the various reasons explained in the book. I don’t think the relationship seems rushed or forced at all (though Angels I love you midway/ending through the book) can totally be blamed on feelings plus never having been in love before rather than being in love that soon into it, of people need their timing more slow burn.

Either way! This story has some reasons to pause but I love it and would not hesitate to say YES, LISTEN TO IT. It’s really, really enjoyable.