Rosalind Abel, the pseudonym Brandon Witt uses when he pens his more explicit gay m/m romance novels, has written what ultimately becomes a more than satisfying story in ‘The Veranda’ the second volume of his Lavender Shores series.
Once again the characters of Lavender Shores are perfectly brought to life through the excellent narration provided by Kirt Graves.
From the time Spencer (Barton) Epstein and Donovan Carlisle have their first sexual encounter at a gay Broadway-themed costume party in San Francisco – each pretending he doesn’t actually know who the other man is – through their second sexual experience in a hotel steam room, it’s clear they are going to end up together.
This all seems like a no-brainer except for the fact that Spencer was formerly married to Donovan’s sister, Erica, and is the father of their two children, Emma and Ethan. Even Donovan’s professional training as a therapist is going to be challenged to the maximum.
Of course, there is the obligatory HEA ending, with Spencer, Donovan, Ethan, Erica, and Emma all accepting and enjoying life as it is.
Not everyone is happy, though. John Carlisle Epstein, Erica and Donovan’s father, is clearly exploring every way he can think of the sever the bonds forged between Donovan and Spencer. It will be interesting to see if there are further developments in that regard appearing in subsequent volumes on the Lavender Shores series.