I was expecting to hear some real arguments about Marx’s theories, instead of having a religious fool telling me that because Marx had been a rock teenager writing dark and satanic poetries so that he must be responsible for all the atrocities happened after his death.
As a listener from China who personally resent the communist party, I know this party twisted a lot of Marx’s theories, and many of his points had been proven wrong, but never get to systematically understand this guy and his work. What I expected was a book which criticizes and analysis himself and his theories with reason and logic, but this one is complete garbage, only written for illiterate American Christians who would turn themselves into walking biohazard bombs by refusing to put on masks during a pandemic.
Communism was invented when Christians didn’t give any crap about child labours but only worrying about how to gain upper hand in dominating the world. I do have a lot of problem with what Karl Marx said, don’t believe it is the ultimate answer to everything, and I also know that non-Christian countries had been bullies as well before colonialism and industry revolution, but one of the reasons that commies plagued this world is that religions didn’t do their job in the first place.