The book is a fantastic listen, if you can make it past the first few hours. The opening setup in the highschool is, to put it mildly, some of the cringeist highschool drama writing I’ve seen in a long time. I actually had to reach out to a friend who regularly listens to LitRPGs to ask if the book was even worth my time, and was told it would get better. Well, I decided to push on, and it’s true. Once you get to the start of the in-game content, the book becomes much more enjoyable, and the entire experience improves greatly. The NPCs, unlike the highschool kids, have personality and are written well. Jerry alone was the best NPC. Really, if the start wasn’t so mind-bogglingly terrible, the book would have a higher rating from me, but when you have to spend 2 hours listening to something that would probably be mocked on AO3, it’s a challenge to get into. If you can make it past that (or just skip the whole beginning), its a very good book, but that start… I’ve picked up the next book in the series and am hopeful for it. I’ll write a review after I listen to it.