OK, I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this!! I mean zombie dinosaurs!!! How can that not be fun 😉 Lol. No really, I did end up enjoying this because I went into it with no expectations and with the idea that this is like those b list horror movies that my parents used to watch! I knew it wouldn’t be believable, I knew after reading some of the negative reviews not to expect much, but despite my apprehensions of it being a flop, I really enjoyed it. It grabbed my attention from the very first page and I was hooked the whole way through.

I’m not going to summarize this because I really think it’s better not knowing, all I’m going to say is there are zombie freaking dinosaurs in it!!!!! Oh and we have regular old zombies too, but the main attraction is zombie dinosaurs!!!!

The plot, despite being way out there, is fast paced and entertaining. I had a hard time taking out my headphones because I wanted to see what would happen next. At times I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see would the humans make it!!!This would make for a very entertaining movie 😉

The characters were all well written and developed. There wasn’t one I disliked and the main character Alex really grew throughout the story. I was rooting for him and Veronica the whole way through.

In all this was an entertaining and quite addictive read! I think if you go into it expecting nothing then you will enjoy it.

Andrew Tell was fantastic. He had a range of accents and gave each character their own voice. I had no problem following who was talking and he kept my attention throughout.