This is absolutely another amazing story by Franklin Horton as the “Mad Mick” from the series newest bookaudiobook “Northern Sun” fights the very terrorists that were involved in the attacks. And this time he volunteers (so to speak) his daughter Barb which, brings a whole new dynamic to the story as well as fighting.
There is A MAJOR STORYLINE BOMB (not literally) the you will not see coming. I will not spoil it for you.
However, I will tell you that in the end there is discussion of turning the lights back on and who might be behind it…
With kudos already given to the author it would be only prudent to speak of the narrator, Kevin Pierce and the phenomenal job that he consistently performs time and time again. Well done Mr. Pierce!
If you like the review and the audiobook’s description than by all means buy a copy and enjoy it for yourself.
It should be noted that I purchased my copy of this audiobook. I am freely giving my opinion and review of said audiobook.