The story was definitely carried by the excellent performance of the narrators.whether you like the story or not will depend on how much you can suspend belief for yourself there are definitely plot holes that if you’re a stickler for plot holes and needing an explanation for everything this book might not be the best for you. author definitely needs to put some serious work into structuring his stories and flushing out his plot line at meanders for most of the time and leaves you confused unless you just kind of go with the flow of the story and ignore all the questions that you’re going to have. it also has this weird pseudo harem element where it almost sounds like the author wanted to write like lit harem novel but wasn’t sure how to do it and so it just kind of comes off as like awkwardly harem-ish without like actually being an entertaining feature of the book. like if you’re going to include a hair element at least make it relevant to the story and fully fleshed out this author just kind of stopped the harem element like halfway through use like oh this would be kind of Cool to have a harem in this book but I don’t know how to write one so let’s just put a bunch of chicks in a room with a dude. overall I liked the book I’m not sure if I would pick up the second one but I can definitely see where people’s complaints are coming from in the other reviews definitely kind of hard to read if you’re a stickler for plot points and a good storyline or if you do not like harem or pseudo harem books. if you’re looking for a fairly simple read that you can just kind of listen to without putting much thought into and have some entertaining meta comments then this book might be for you.

p.s. I did enjoy the meta comments and snarkiness of that the author introduced into the titles of his books and some of the other like comments that he makes reminded me a little bit along the lines of like some like Deadpool meta commenting type entertainings stuff but it’s definitely not for everybody and as for the background music I did enjoy the background music however I also agree with some of the other reviewers that it can be a little loud at times and for people who may be hard of hearing it could definitely be a problem.