I’ve been reading a lot of litRPGs lately that focus FAR too much on the mechanics. For those books, the storyline almost seems secondary to the fact that the book is a litRPG. This book is different. For once, it is the interactions between the characters that received the focus of our attention! The rich personalities of Max, Kyra, and Farm drive this series opener in an impressive manner, as opposed to the leveling grind. I thoroughly enjoyed the originality of the world’s premise and the organized, logical storytelling. the concepts of Nightmares, magical contracts, and the more unique races were fascinating to me. All in all, I think this series would be worth pursuing, especially if the author decides to discuss the specifics of the classes in future installments.

A note for listeners that consider such things when buying books:
1) The book contains some swearing. I personally think it’s in a tolerable range. Be aware: there are a couple of F-bombs dropped at various points throughout the first book.
2) I can’t remember a book with a dedicated fanservice character, but Party Hard definitely has one! One of the main PCs is an adorable fairy that radiates sex appeal. The fact that she as a game character is played by a guy in his late 20’s definitely makes things weird though. “My boy parts are confused,” indeed!
3) There is a brief brothel scene. Nothing explicitly OR implicitly happens, but I was listening at work and it caught me by surprise.