If you’re a fan of the Black Ocean series, this is a great addition to the universe’s story. The story largely follows Cedric The Brown, who was laying low in the space station he nearly destroyed by in the previous “Galaxy Outlaws” series, as he and his fellow station dwellers try to unlock the secrets they need to stave off an apocalypse of galactic proportions.

I really enjoyed getting to see more of the universe created in the Galaxy Outlook series. While it’s pretty much a one off series, and a sequel isn’t likely, it’s a more focused and consequential story arc then Galaxy Outlook. While I enjoyed the new characters introduce in this series they aren’t particularly memorable, and beyond Cedric they’re largely disposable, so I can’t see many of them showing up again or having any significance in future stories.

Overall, the narrator was really good, it’s got a lot of relistening value, and I really enjoyed it so I’d it recommend.