The story is engaging enough to keep your attention. The characters have personalities for the most part. There’s enough action, although I personally feel it could have had about 25% more. Perhaps the author felt as I did, that the fights seem to be becoming repetitious. While I did want more action sequences I also felt that the fights needed some variation. Every battle seemed to follow a standard formula, carried over from the first book. The MC gets hurt, a side or peripheral character is killed. Rinse and repeat. The damage system is flawed and caught my attention several times, briefly ruining immersion. For instance, during an encounter with an enemy creature our MC and his guard shoot the monster doing around 2k damage. With the creatures back now turned to them, 26 other people shoot the same monster, with the same weapons, in the back, and do around 2k damage. Even with its flaws, and there are more than I’ve listed here, this book for me earned enough interest from me to get book 3.