This book and the entire Party Hard series is Grade A amazing stuff!

It’s something you want to savor every moment of, yet finish reading in two days!

I would and have been recommending this series to everyone I meet.

That being said, a year ago Luke Daniels narrated this book and did an OUTSTANDING job by making you feel like you were IN the book every part of the way. Character reflection ON POINT!

I’ve listened to it 5 times start to finish!

Hearing the NEW narration by Travis Baldree after a stellar performance by Luke Daniels was like:

Ordering Sirloin Steak,

Chef coming out to tell you you’ve won the lottery (whole series being narrated),

Replaces your dish with ground beef.

If you’re reading this Travis, slow down dude!

It’s a story, not a race.

I’d enjoy your work a lot more if you would take your time and perhaps focus more on the reflection of characters’ actions than speed reading.

I have to put your playback speed at 90% just to not feel winded trying to keep up with you!

I know you’re capable of great work.

Would I recommend this Audiobook as it is now?

I’d probably tell you you’re better off reading the book… Until Luke Daniels comes back or Travis Baldree sets a more engaging pace.

I used to recommend this book to anyone and everyone, so it hurt a bit to assume I was getting equal quality or better replacement narration.