Warning this book contains an attempted suicide.

Seth is the town playboy that everybody loves. Charlie is the surly difficult Mexican tavern owner who can be seen frequently fighting about produce at the local Green Violin.

I really want to go into detail about every single thing that happens into this book it is my second favorite of this series. The first being The Garden. This book hit on a lot of levels for me because it gave a true and accurate description of what it’s like to be both mentally ill and trying to make it with all the raging swirling thoughts in your head without medication. Seth being able to see through all of this after so long of hating each other made me want to cry. Him seeing beyond all of Charlie’s issues and reactivate responses made me love both characters even more. Everything in this book was attention grabbing for me. Everything in this book perfect. Men over 40, hairy bodies, and a surprising threesome starting the book. But there’s so much more in this book the emotions, the rage, the understanding, the misunderstandings, the love/hate, the storm of a chemically imbalanced brain, the forgiveness, the hard work to get yourself to a better mental state, finding what makes Charlie happy, finding Seth in love again, this book is one of my all time favorites and I would be here all day trying to describe it. Plus did I mention Kirt Graves is the narrator?