I found this book about twice as long as it needed to be . There seems to be a lot of duplication in battle scenes and character development that was irrelevant to the main narrative..and the characters that were essential were still pretty shallow.
Still, I bought this because it was long and would stay with me a while. I did finish it but I can’t say I was sorry it was over.
This was a LOT of work to write but needs a really good editor.
“Twinborning” is an interesting concept
The world building, while a little muddled was clear enough. These are not worlds we haven’t seen in hundreds of fantasy adventures nor are they uniquely imagined. I felt I’ve read bits before, not directly of course, but like enough.
The gazillion characters sort of wandered through their adventures until the last third where the plot finally organized enough to propel them to a conclusion.
If you’re looking for a nice long yarn and aren’t bothered by the deficiencies, it’s certainly worth a look.