Connor Maguire has worked in his mountainous compound in Virginia for that last part of his life making bombs in secret for the government. But now is a very different time as America has been thrust into darkness and the only people you can trust is your family. For Connor that is his daughter Barb who he almost lost when she was little to a drunk driver. Connor has trained Barb to take care of herself, but know that she has been kidnapped along with a family friend can she do it on her own or are her hands tied because of the other hostages. Will it matter with another family friend following her and leaving directions and clues for Conner, the very Mad Mick at this point, who is certainly following them as well.

This book is exciting and filled with action and tons, really tons of suspense. I want to say that Barb is now my hero and I would love to be like her. I had the audio narrated by the great Kevin Pierce, who always makes these books so awesome for me, he puts me there right with the characters trying to help the each of them. This is another wonderful post apocalyptic series from Franklin Horton. If you liked his others series give this a try, if you haven’t read any of his other series than what are you waiting for?