The narration is easily one of the worst I have encountered on Audible. The pacing is aweful, the voices introduced childish, and it sounds to my ear like he is treating the subject matter with relative contempt. Meanwhile, the book itself is not much better. The author is constantly telling us what long dead people must have thought and felt, instead of showing us through quotes. At no time did I feel he understood lives that clearly well documented through letters and memoirs. I stopped when the author decided to criticize an/condescend to aged Belloc for “misremembering” his own first communion. If you can imagine, a 60+ year old man thought he was 14 and got First Communion on Thursday (unusual), when he clearly he was 13 and there’s documentation he was going to receive it on Corpus Christi, moveable feast, but generally celebrated on a Thursday. Everyone should be this “soft” in their old age. I really wanted to like this, because it appears it’s the only biography of Belloc on Audible. Unfortunately, it’s a didn’t finish and a return.
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