We really wanted to like this but it had two things going on that combined ruined it. The author clearly didn’t understand the neighborhood and people he was portraying and viewed all people with money as evil slackers whom would go out of their way to harrass a child of two lawyers.

The protagonist is supposed to be very smart and perceptive but constantly does foolish things and has severe anger issues that he refuses to take responsibility for or address in healthy ways.

If you are going to tell me that a character is smarter and more capable than people around them, and then demonstrate that they clearly are not, that’s a problem. Being bitter and angry doesn’t make a character automatically just and clever.

If his parents are passionate globe trotting lawyers but also complete negligent buffoons at the same time, that doesn’t work at all. Thier 18 year old should have been used to managing themselves at this point… but nope, him and his parents are blazingly incompetent…

If you want a series that doesn’t pretend that its smarter and more righteous than it actually is my wife and I would recommend the Noobtown series.