I freely admit that I’m a cheap Audible user. I sort by title length when searching, always looking to get the most hours of listening for my credit. I came across J.S. Morin first with his Robot Geneticists series (60 hours), and was hooked; it seemed like the listen was over in no time. Next up was the Black Ocean: Missions 1-16.5 set (62 hours), which was one of the most enjoyable listens I’ve ever had.

Figuring I had a new favorite author and narrator, I grabbed this series next. The concept was neat; two fantasy worlds where certain characters had ‘Twinborn’ that existed in both realms, and could communicate with each other via dreams. I liked the first part (Book 1) of the series after taking a bit to get used to the concept; what world are we in right now, who is so-and-so’s twin on the other side, et cetera. It was enjoyable enough.

But by the second book there were more and more of these Twinborn characters, and it became distracting to keep track of what world you were on or who was who was who was who in the other world. I found myself losing interest to the point where I checked the time remaining in the book – never a good sign with me when listening. I was not quite halfway through, with over 30 hours left.

I freely admit that your results my vary. I listen to Audible exclusively while driving, so I suppose that makes me more susceptible to lose track of a story line, but I decided to shelve this one for now. Maybe I’ll try again some other time, but for now I’ll probably go back to some of the Black Ocean sequels.