This is a good series. It’s not that it’s not. The one thing that’s missing is a character that the reader can truly identify with and root for. Honestly, save one or two, few if any of the characters are savory. Mandy is one character that is truly a moral voice of reason. One character that surprised in this one was Jazz. She really grows on the reader, and becomes one who rises up instead of sinks to new lows of depravity. It’s the clan verses Peter’s twisted group of animals.

That’s another thing, this series started with Cassy being raped (attempted rape) by Jim, who just so happens to be in Peter’s group. It felt unnecessary and more gratuitous. That hasn’t changed as the series went on. We all know that with appalling conditions, people act more depraved. But Jim is particularly disgusting, a serial predator. And then there’s the invasion of troops from North Korea and Arabic countries. So it gets confusing as to what’s going on and who’s involved. There’s a lot going on and it’s hard to keep up. Here’s to hoping it gets better with the next book.

The reason to listen is Kevin Pierce. He’s the reason you stay with it. Had anyone else been narrating, it would be too easy just to turn it off because he makes it worth it. He always does. This series is proof that less is more, and not the other way around.