On pure story this book is incredible. I really really don’t want to spoil anything because it’s that good

What I will talk about is the dual narrator issue.

I see this more and more often and it’s a trend that I just can’t get behind. it works early on until the characters meet each other and then the discrepancy becomes way too apparent.

Jeff Kafer is a solid narrator in his own right but going back to back with RC Bray is an unfortunate situation. RC is a God among narrators and hearing Jeff narrating a character that RC just did in the previous chapter just highlights the difference in the two actors. Bray’s strength has always been his ability to make believable characters with a delivery that sounds real and authentic.

Jeff has an entirely different style and the two seem to clash pretty aggressively.

I understand the artistic choice to have two narrators but I’ve never liked it and it keeps pulling me out of the story.