First of all, it’s always a pleasure to listen to Kevin Pierce. He doesn’t necessarily have a wide range of male voices to pull from, but he does female voices real well.

This series started off a little slow at first, but once it got going, it was a real fun ride. I liked the secondary story arcs that were added in books 2 and 3. All in all, this was very enjoyable.

The characters were believable. At first, Marcus Battle looked unstoppable, but then he started making mistakes. I didn’t have much hope of Lola as an interesting character at first, but she really grew on me. Likewise, the villains were nasty enough to hate and root against.

All in all, this was a real fun ride. I would certainly recommend it to others. I may get the next books in the series at some point, but on its own it was quite fine. I also really appreciated the reluctance to use cursing in 99% of the series.