Just what I needed to structure an operating system for our small business. I luckily happened onto this book because I really enjoyed the narrator’s reading of a fiction series I loved. So I looked for more that he had read and found this!

I’m sure the system won’t resonate with everyone, but it has given our “team” and myself a structure we never had in twenty-plus years. And, I laugh at the poor reviews wondering if they have even ran a business? This is a brilliant system that even works for a small, less than ten people, office and can, working the plan by the method and order Gino recommends, be self-implemented.

We started using the system at the beginning of the year and while COVID slowed us down some, EOS kept us on track, particularly with regular planning with team leaders via Zoom meetings. We started at 26% implementation and are now at 52%. 80% is the goal and we’ll get there sometime next year.

Thank you Gino for sharing this plan. In my opinion your books are worth their weight in gold and they have become our foundational business structure!