If you are okay with this genre and have Audible Escape, then go for it. However, I don’t recommend using a credit to get this one. I love the shifter genre and LGBTQ+ romance, however this series isn’t one of the better titles in the genre. The entire series is very hard to get through. Many characters will say things that they’re thinking that shouldn’t be said at the time or around the people they’re around. They just say anything that comes to mind. It’s jarring and leaves me cringing at some points- especially when a character is around almost literal strangers and will lay their life stories on the table just because a question was asked.

In this story in particular I liked the idea of Collin being scarred and the dynamic this could have presented in his relationship with Mark, however I felt like it really missed the point. Eventually, his scar and the way people in the story talk about or write off his insecurities about it make his scar seem insignificant and that he’s just being vain. Which misses the point. Its important to try and help Collin move past his insecurities but how its done in the story does nothing but make Collin look like he is vain and prideful about his looks. Which I don’t believe that was the intention.

It’s also very hard to listen to, and I found myself speeding up the story at some parts that is nothing but exposition and sudden world building of werewolf or pack dynamics. The exposition for these parts is very droning and often times, not broken up by dialog from other characters. It also feels unnatural and out of place where it’s inserted in the stories. I was really reminded of a professor in college that does nothing but drone on and on from a podium reading from a book. Thats also not the narrators fault, as they did the best they could with what they had, and tried to make it interesting.

The narration is good, I have no qualms about that. The only issues I had with the book and the series is the story and plots. Its like, the author wanted to get everything out at once and didn’t give any time for emotional adjustment of characters and when the author did focus on emotions in the characters it was very repetitive, or often times minimized how one character felt or made them adjust too quickly. This is done alot throughout the series.

So like I said. If you want to try this one, go for it, but I wouldn’t recommend spending a credit on this one.