Gots to be upfront on a personal preference here: Joel Leslie’s narration is beginning to grate on my nerves: Waaay too whiny. Admittedly, it’s a personal issue, but I’m ready to skip hearing book 3, in favor of hearing Michael Dean’s voice on #4.

I’ll come back to it, no doubt, but switching to Mr. Dean’s soothing voice is much preferred. (Mind you, not everything he’s done has been a joy to follow — ie the “Little’s Series,”) but again, in all fairness, it just wasn’t my kink. Some loved it, I’ve no doubt: God Bless Freedom of Choice!!❤

The story explaining Ronan’s history is paramount in understanding the series, and how these men are bound together. Excellent job in painting the whole tapestry together!!

Sloane Kennedy does a superb job in weaving in characters, events, details, and memories to keep continuity for any reader/listener up to snuff. Forgive me, but I’m on to book FIVE for the fluid voice of Mr. Dean!