I loved this book sooooo much!!!! It had a slow start but don’t let that deter you. This book gets going by the end of the first chapter and it’s a non-stop quest to figure out what’s going on and who’s doing it. I guessed wrongly several tiimes!!

The relationship between Cass and Jackson was awesome. It wasn’t insta-love, it was more insta-attraction (which I appreciated) and they became each other’s support when the tangled webs started unraveling.

Both Jackson and Cass had badly behaving parents and that left the two with a legacy of hurt and secrets aplenty. I loved how they learned to lean on each other!

The big reveal was an absolute shocker. I saw it coming (sorta) but not really. So many layers of intrigue.

The narrator delivered a wonderful cast of characters. I absolutely loved her and this listen!