This is a pretty standard cultivation or wu-xia story with a lot of the tropes cut down or explained in unusual detail to make the story more accessible to Western audiences unfamiliar with the genre. This type of story is, in the current Chinese market, a rough equivalent to US pre-comic pulp era superhero stories. Thousands of wu-xia stories are published on-line in varying degrees of quality (the majority are rushed, trope heavy, and poorly self-edited rush jobs).

To describe it so unfamiliar American readers might understand… imagine a really machismo rpg of Mulan and Crouching Tiger-Hidden Dragon with a usually male lead, the plot focused on level-ups, and the protagonist’s goal almost always being some version of martial arts god-mode.

Personally, I love the stuff. If you think of light fiction as intellectual junk food, wu-xia would be midnight runs to White Castle with a full-pint chaser of Rocky Road. Enjoy.