The story has a good storyline that is fairly easy to follow once you learn the names/groups and mostly ignore the narrator’s use of the same voices for all characters. Kevin Pierce does a good job overall and pleasant to listen to, but a word of advice for any listener: Kevin changes pitch for characters in scene, but not for all characters have unique or consistent voice pitch for each scene. Learn the character names and the story becomes more enjoyable.

As for the story, wow. This is a plausible scenario that could happen, and I’m not sure much would be different. People will panic, people will kill and people will always look for ways to make their own life better, even at the cost of others. You’ll read along as some 5 groups of people suffer through the same situation of national (and possibly world) electrical outage. If this were a real scenario, I’d hope to keep out of the firefight, let those with guns finish off each other and hope the remaining party are the good guys…