With so many options available, it’s rare to find a LitRPG novel that surprises with a totally new method of LitRPG immersion and functionality. Blending genres like the Divine Dungeon series for cultivation as a method of gaining power, leveling up similar to any LitRPG series, and a universe built around those with power being either a superhero or villain, Planet Hero is an interesting addition to the LitRPG universe. While this is a relatively quick listen (not unusual for an intro book into a series), the overall story is well poised to continue and explore new avenues of growth.

With the narration, I’m a big fan of Jeffrey Kafer from the Rules of Supervillainy series and The Beam. I found the narration for this series clean and professionally produced. However, the style of narration, delivering most of the book with an urgency and underlying air of aggravation, didn’t match well with the heroic nature of the characters and story for me.