I do apologize that I’m repeating what others have mentioned. This book was 70% training, 20% flashback, and 10% forward progress.

I’m hoping this is used to build something into the flashbacks. It’s nice to have some backstory but we’re technically I’m Book 7 and in my opinion if you were going to explain younger years…. Do it earlier on? Maybe books 1-3?

I have enjoyed the previous books, a lot. However, this is the first book I didn’t binge it like I do Netflix.

Only Read if you’ve listened to the book:
I really enjoyed the fact our main character (MC) doesn’t win every battle.

However, if you spend many years with people that’d destroy the world if they fight and who refuse to train “lesser beings” how can you remotely have issues fighting other “lesser beings” after? He seems to get winded very quickly. Wasn’t one of the lessons was to conserve? Use little power but get maximum effect? blah, blah, ya know? The montage of him training was cool but he seems to have learned nothing. Often even going against their explicit directions… several times

Anyway, I’m wondering where we’re going. I gave it 4 Star ⭐ because it is a good book but isn’t good as good as the previous ones.