First off, this book’s universe is based on muslim, jew, and christian planets that have banded together in a big god luvin happyland to fight the evil, godless, oppressive, war mongering atheist planets. The atheist planets are based on Russian and Chinese commie style governments, their severe punishments, and their highly corrupt politicians. This author preaches about how atheist want to force the people to obey rules about who the people should worship, what social class you are allowed to live in, what type of job you are allowed to work, yadda yadda yadda…It’s clear that this author is making a political and religious statement in writing this book. He also uses reverse psychology on the real life oppressive ways of religion (ALL RELIGIONS) and attributes them to the free thinking, Libertarian beliefs of most atheist. I’m an atheist and I don’t know any other atheist that wishes to control every aspect of your personal lives. However I know hundreds of religious, church going, brainwashed “People” that would literally burn a woman at the stake for following Wiccan beliefs. Or take your children from you, stick them in a foster home with rapists if you don’t go to their local church or those who see through the lies in their bible. Those people are worse than frigging nazis. Hell, they wanna control the type food you are allowed to eat, type of clothing to wear, refusal of women working for money anywhere outside their home. Those religious christian nuts would still be killing muslims if they wouldn’t go to prison for it.
Another point in this book is the jews muslims are bestest of friends, and have managed to end the feud between the two. I lived in Iraq for 5 yrs. The ONLY WAY to get along with muslims is to convert to islam. Even then they still might take off your head, but it’s ok because you will pay for you past transgressions, and you will also get the honor of living in allah’s kingdom in the afterlife. This book is pure bs. It can never happen. Religions will never coexist with other opposing religions. They will pretend to, but as soon as they can, they will annihilate the closest opposing religion and their believers because ALL of their holy books specify not allowing nonbelievers to live.
The only way people to truly get along, is for everyone to religions are superstition formed when society could not explain what science clearly can now and when the church ruled the land before democracy was widely known. Religion is the blackest evil that infects any society.
Review from Fight the Good Fight →