Another great addition to this series. Really liked both of the main characters, the storyline, everything, and am looking forward to Tom’s story.

That being said, can we please get either a new narrator or get a female narrator in for the female characters’ voices? Joel is not a bad reader/actor, but he just seems unable to nail the female voices. They all either sound like they are ninety years old, or as if they are being strangled and have no air in their lungs. It really detracts from what would normally be a five star book for me. Five stars fir me means a book I like well enough to want to own, because I will listen to it again. My other books from this series, I listen to at least once a year. I have not been able to do that with the book I bought last year, because the narrator just kills the female characters for me. Not sure I will go for another audio in this series if it’s the same narrator on the next book.