This started out slow but became an epic sci-fi story, and could have been multiple books, , Suffice it to say I will never read a book by Jeremy Robinson again, and this was my first. I came only because of R. C. Bray, but this does not match the quality of story he’s known for. If you’ve got credits to spare, then get this, it’s a seriously wonderful… no masterful story, especially because of the performance by it’s narrators. Just stop reading about 2/3 in. The end is a travesty. Shame on you Jeremy, though perhaps it’s fitting because this year (2020) has been a friggin dumpster fire. It could have been great, your message will convert no one. Leave your personal BS out of Sci-fi. Thankfully as I write this, the new Expeditionary Force book is becoming available also narrated by RC Bray, and I’m certain it will be good. Don’t buy this, it’s horrendous propaganda, properly narrated by the best in the business, and it’s done in an intriguing manner, but authors BS personal views destroyed a potentially beautiful book. Severely disappointed. Seriously want a refund. F U Jeremy Robinson, F U with a Brillo pad bleach and a Christmas tree.