Okay, first off, nobody take this as a serious review. Also, romance spoilers. Also*2, this is posted from a phone. Please forgive typos, improper capitalization and weird punctuation.
Riley and Jason are a thing, its kinda shoehorned in in book one that Jason has a crush on her and Riley is soft on him (at the very least). As the stories have gone on, they have gotten close and in the 3rd book its sfarting to come to a head. however, every time they are about to kiss – the same thing happens over andnover and over and over. someone else interrupts. Excuse my language here, but how many times does a guy deserve to get cock-blocked?! Let Jason get the damn words out that he needs to, let him put his moves on Riley, or better yet let Riley surprise him by kissing him first!
GAH!!!! I swear, they have been interruped at *least* 4 times in the past two books and thats with me not even having finished the 3rd book yet!! It’s so frustrating!
Once, *maybe* twice I can understand and accept, but 3+ times – the same exact scenario, in the exact same format?! Come on! It makes me want to scream! Maybe thats the whole point but for me it makes me want to put the book down (so to speak) out of sheer frustration and get back to it in a few weeks. Gaahhhhhh!