This book was surprisingly a slow starter… if you’ve been following the trilogies… you’ll know what happened in the last 2 books and you’d have been all psyched up for this book, expecting a big splash! Ooopsie boo boo! ?
In of Dawn and Darkness, Calder Marten is in the possession of the emperor’s crown! And he’s ready to step into the vacuum left in the wake of this great entity… But, the Guilds, aren’t in agreement over this convenient solution… and the Consultant’s Guild is absolutely opposed to it, believing no one person should have that much power, because “absolute power corrupts absolutely! So really, I shouldn’t have been at all surprised that Will Wight would have to give the action a backseat while he built up all the Political machinations that were happening. Only then could he could push the pedal to the metal…
And WOW, he ended up with a fantastic book and a great story ARC!
I really haven’t mentioned in any of my other reviews of the Elder God series, just how much I’ve enjoyed the magic system! In this series if, you imbue your intent on a inanimate object, it can be awakened ie: a weapon that will actually want to kill! A makers tools; a hammer for instance, might rebel if it thinks that hammering a nail into a door is dumb, even missing on purpose! LOL!
The few books I’ve run into previously with “aware objects” had been in Nina Kiriki Hoffman’s, Matt Black books, and David Brin’s, The Practice Effect… and I’ve got to say, I loved them too!
The narration by Travis Baldree is as always, simply great (He’s a favorite of mine)! But now I can hardly wait to listen to Emily Woo Zeller (another favorite) narrate the 6th and final story of the two side-by-side trilogies, Shera’s story! She’s an assassin, and leader the Consultant’s Guild!!!