I waited way too long to listen to this one because of the scathing reviews regarding the “TERRIBLE END TO THE SERIES,” so when Book 4 came out, I was confused and decided to pick this one up and see where it goes. After finishing the book, it was blatantly obvious based on writing in the last two chapters that this wasn’t the end of the series, so unless there were additions to the audiobook after many of the other reviews, I’m not sure why so many people were acting like this story jumped the shark. Not only did I thoroughly enjoy the book, but I also found it flows nicely into the next (Book 4) which is just as good, if not better. As a fan of LitRPG, I really enjoy where the author is taking this story.

The NPC characters are well done and fleshed out, My only complaint is I’d like to know more about the “Travelers’” backgrounds that are part of the Green Peace Clan, but other than that, i personally think this series is really well done and standard, if not higher end LitRPG content..

The negative reviews in Audible are just as misleading as many of the 5 star reviews are, so I’d advise people who enjoyed the first two books to pick this one up. Most likely you’ll get Book 4 too, but at the worst, you can always return the book for a credit. So many LOUD reviews and opinions on audible that are often times the result of the listener’s idea of how the story should go. Just immerse yourself in the world the author is trying to bring you into, then give people the good and bad without all the scathing comments. Just my two pennies.