but there is one thing that I disliked immensely, randomly in the middle of a paragraph there will be a break for an “authors note” where the story stops while the author explains some random bit chinese lore or history. As if it would be difficult to ascertain why a noble might not want to be compared to a merchant. this happens several times and is completely jarring, I don’t recall it ever happening in the previous book, if this is just something the author was testing out I hope he accepts it as a bad idea and never does it again.

otherwise this was great book there is some good character growth and the goals of the main character are both relatable and somewhat extraordinary, in the previous book he kinda got pushed around a lot by elders and seniors that tool him in hand to make sure he was doing what needed to be done for the development of his path, but in this book he makes decisions and defines goals for himself we can see him becoming a cultivator who manipulates his own destiny why also staying true to nature.