I really loved this audiobook. I’m a big Jeremy Robinson and R.C. Bray fan.

One reader had a comment, “ In fact, I think this book would be a great one for a novel study in anywhere from grade7-12”. I totally agree but, I think you’d have to tone down the swearing and more gruesome parts. Make a PG version. Still, I almost recommended it to one of my boys (ages 12 and 15). I’m still thinking it over on that.

I enjoyed the many reversals in events. Is the bad guy really bad? Is the good guy really good? Is it reality or is it a simulation? If it is a simulation, must you adhere to moral codes or party like it’s 1999?

Quite a few laughs in the book. I really liked the two old marines In the boat near the start. Particularly the dolphin tale. I was riveted at the point the first polygon showed himself at the house. All in all a great read and kudos for making it available for Kindle Unlimited Canada.